What Documentation Grants Express Authority to an Agent?
A principal’s authority to authorize agents may be expressed, implied or apparent. Implied authority is when the nature of the business, or custom or practice in a particular business, gives rise to the conclusion that the agent is authorized to act for the principal.
Apparent authority arises when the principal’s conduct causes a third party to believe that the agent has authority to act in the principal’s interest.
What Documentation Grants Express Authority to an Agent?
There is no shortage of buzz in the insurance industry as to what trumps what. A recent survey of insurance professionals yielded a whopping number of top notch candidates vying for the coveted title of exectuficiary aka flier a flier. To be fair, the majority of the finalists were not only up for the coveted job title but also the more mundane responsibilities that go along with it. The competition was rounded out by some less than glamorous members in the aforementioned flier a flier category and a handful of aficionados who were not quite as willing to part with their hard earned cash.
Agency Agreements
Agency agreements are legal contracts that create a fiduciary relationship between the first party (the principal) and the second party (the agent). The agency agreement is usually written and signed by both parties.
Agency contracts are often used by companies that hire an agent to act on their behalf. This is a type of legal proxy relationship that can be very useful.
For example, a company might hire an advertising agency to work on their marketing campaign or hire a human resources firm to assist with the management of employees. The agency agreement defines the terms and conditions of this relationship, including payment parameters, performance standards and responsibilities for both parties.
In many cases, a formal agency agreement is necessary to set forth the specific services an agent will provide and the commission that will be paid to the agent for these services. If you are an agent or a company that wants to engage an agent, it is best to have your contract drawn up before starting the partnership.
The agency agreement should outline the exact responsibilities of both parties and what aspects should remain confidential or private. It should also include an indemnity clause that protects both parties in the event of a claim.
An agency agreement should also state that the agent will notify the principal of any relevant issues that come to their attention. The agent will also be required to pay the principal in a timely manner for the services provided.
It should also address any limitations that the agent has in relation to the business activities of the principal, such as a non-compete agreement. This can be a good way to protect the business interests of the principal and prevent the agent from competing with the principal in the future.
In addition to these elements, it is a good idea to include sections on payment and records. These sections give both the principal and the agent the opportunity to review the records of their work under the agreement. This is a great way for the parties to resolve any concerns about work or payment.
Sales Contracts
Sales contracts are an important part of any business deal. They help in preventing legal disputes and ensuring that the transaction goes through as planned.
They include the details of what goods and services a buyer can expect to receive from a seller, including quantity, size, weight, type, model, and any other identifying characteristics. They also detail how the goods and services will be delivered to the buyer, including when they can be expected to be received and how delivery will be handled.
The sales contract should clearly identify the parties involved and their full names. It should also specify the exact terms and conditions of the agreement.
A sales contract should also include information about warranties and guarantees. This can include implied or express warranties, a set period for inspection by buyers, and what to do if the product or service does not meet the agreed-upon standards.
It should also include any payment plans and interest charges, as well as any other terms of repayment that are relevant to the transaction. This information is essential to help buyers understand their rights as a consumer and can also be used for negotiating the contract.
Lastly, it should contain clauses that bind the parties to certain legal obligations, such as those related to contract duration and breach. It should also contain severability, which is a term that states that even if a part of the agreement is invalid or unenforceable, other parts can still be enforced.
In addition to these key points, it is also recommended that a sales contract include detailed descriptions of the goods and services being offered. This will ensure that the buyer can determine exactly what they are buying, and that they can verify if it matches their expectations.
For example, if a sale includes marketing consultancy services, then the sales contract should detail the scope of work being performed and any deliverables. It should also contain information about how long it will take for the project to be completed.
A sales contract should also include terms that entitle the seller to a commission for generating sales. This can be a set amount per unit sold, a percentage of sales revenue generated, or based on other measurable metric.
Letters of Authorization
A letter of authorization is an important document that grants express authority to another person, often a representative, for a specific task. This can be a simple task, such as picking up dry cleaning or borrowing money on your behalf, or more complicated tasks, such as negotiating a contract for you.
This kind of document is legal and binding, so it is essential to write an authorized letter carefully and clearly. This will make it easier to verify the authority of the representative if a dispute arises.
An authorized letter can be written for several purposes, including granting publishing rights to a book or a song, authorizing someone else to pick up packages sent to your house, and giving permission for someone to use your credit card when you are not available. It should be signed by both parties involved and contain all the required details.
The authorization letter format is similar to a formal letter, with the address and date, salutation or greeting, body of the letter, signature and name of the authorizer, reason for unavailability, complimentary closing, and the action to be performed. You should begin the letter by mentioning your name, then include the names of the person you are authorizing to do a specific action and end it with a thanks for their assistance.
Depending on the type of document, there may be additional information that should be included in the authorization letter. This is particularly true of letters that involve credit cards or any other personal information.
When preparing an authorization letter, be sure to use a professional typeface. This will help to make the letter more legible and give it a more professional appearance.
It is also advisable to write the letter using a computer rather than a pen and paper. Handwritten documents are harder to read, and they often look sloppy.
In addition to using a professional letterhead, you should make sure that you include the dates of the authorization as well as the person’s name and signature. You should also specify the duties that you are giving to the person so that they don’t take advantage of the powers given to them.